Special Edition: Off the Beaten Track

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Raffles Press ’24
Foreword by Arissa Binte Kamaruzaman (24A01A), Chairperson, Raffles Press ’24

“What do I want to be in the future?” is a question that many of us JC students are asking ourselves. With university looming in the horizon, it’s no wonder that JC has become a time for much-needed soul-searching, where we introspect on where and how we really see ourselves thriving in the future. 

At this stage, conventional career paths, like medicine, law and engineering may be the most appealing—they’re clear and well-trodden tracks that provide certainty in a future that so often feels volatile and uncertain. Yet, there may still be a small part of ourselves that yearns to look towards our dreams.

In this special edition, we complicate this train of thought—what if you can turn your dreams into a viable career? What if you can turn your “side quests”—be it your small crochet Instagram account, or time spent volunteering with kids—into your “main quests” instead?

What can you do off the beaten track? 

Indeed, off the beaten track, is a whole other world of opportunities that you haven’t had the opportunity to explore yet. In this Special Edition, we provide you with a glimpse into what that looks like, through the lenses of six alumni who have navigated complex routes in their career journey, but nevertheless, flourished in their chosen, unconventional fields.

From the exhilarating story of alumnus Dr Sean Yap, who transformed his childhood fascination of insects into a career in entomology, to the surprising career shift, from the Civil Service to pastry-making, of alumna Ms Yeo Min, there is bound to be a story here that upends your perspective about the future.

Remember: the future is uncertain, for sure—but is also exciting, inspiring, and still in the making. We hope that through this Special Edition, you’ll realise that the road not taken offers a beautiful view, even if you can’t see it just yet. 

Find out more about volunteering opportunities with Jingzhou’s team here:

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