CCA Previews ’24: Raffles Players

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Raffles Players EXCO ’24

Let us guess. 

You’re here because you saw the name, and thought it was all about the game. Once again, we are not those kinds of players. 

Or, you’re the kind of person who belts musicals in the shower, who shamelessly thinks that you’re the main character, and you truly believe that your name will be etched in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. If so, read on, because Raffles Players is just the place for you!

The Players Experience

Raffles Players engages in two or more significant productions each year, in which each of our members has the opportunity to play a part. 


The first production of note is the biennial Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation, an externally organised showcase where Raffles Players creates a 15-minute play from scratch and presents it at the Festival. Beyond serving as an opportunity to hone and refine our craft, it is also an opportunity to meet like-minded young people across Singapore as we all convene to collectively appreciate our art form. 

A scene from our SYF 2022 play “Mother Departing” 

College Production

Our College Production is held once a year at RI’s very own Performing Arts Centre. College Productions usually involve both senior and junior batches working together, with two or three performance nights and a larger cast and crew. These tend to be ambitious, large in scale, and highly demanding, with Players holding our rendition of the madcap comedy CLUE! last year. Ultimately, these productions serve to be an excellent platform for us to learn new skills and bond collectively as a CCA. 

A scene from our college production “CLUE!” 

What are the hours like?

While we may only have one official CCA session on Wednesdays from 8am to 11am, this is not always the case. During production season, which typically occurs from March to May, we usually have additional sessions per week, with some intensive periods requiring rehearsals three times a week. 

What does a session look like?

A typical Players session might look rather odd from an outsider’s perspective. That’s because while Players is fortunate to have seasoned theater practitioners and trainers to come in and teach us the ropes of drama, from improvisation workshops to musical theater lessons, our lessons can take place in a rather unorthodox manner! So, you can look forward to a cacophony of crawling and cawing, if that sort of thing appeals to you.

Players create a tableau as part of a movement workshop

What’s important to note is that we learn so much more beyond on-stage work. During dedicated sessions, we are exposed to the backend of productions, whereby we get to explore lighting and sound systems, learn how to make stunning sets, and familiarise ourselves with stage management.

During production season, the work we do varies greatly depending on the role we have committed to for the particular production. Sessions transform into a bustling scene; with set designers carving and painting backdrops, actors and directors blocking scenes, those in the soundbox experimenting with a myriad of technical effects, and the stage manager scrambling to coordinate all limbs of the production. 

Who are we looking for?

Okay, you’ve made it this far. We can tell that you’re interested, but might be worried about your lack of experience in theater and drama. Well, fret not! Most of our members do not have a background in drama, but we all share the same passion for learning. While even the most experienced of us make mistakes, we learn to shrug it off and treat it as an enriching experience for us to learn and grow from. All you need is an open mind and eagerness to learn, and the stage will soon be yours to command. 

Furthermore, Players is not just a CCA, it is a tightly-knit family. We are looking for people who are willing to be committed, willing to help one another out, and most importantly, willing to make new friends. 

If everything you’ve read so far appeals to you, sign up for our auditions! Auditions will take place sometime in late January. For our budding thespians, it typically includes performing a short monologue and improvisation. For those more interested in the backend of production work and bringing a play or musical to life, it will comprise a short interview and a portfolio submission.  

We hope to see you there!

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