CCA Previews ’24: Piano Ensemble

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Lee Yu Xiang (Chairperson), Tan Min Min (Vice-Chairperson), Anselmo Klement Chua (Events Manager), Yao Huacheng (Publicity and Media Director)

Overture: Introduction

No, we don’t all play on the same piano at once.

No, we don’t play individually.

No, we don’t have 10 pianos in one room.

We hope these statements answer some queries you might have in mind after hearing about our CCA. The unique nature of RIPE often invites questions from musicians and non-musicians alike—after all, the piano is commonly perceived to be a solo instrument. 

We are not your conventional performing arts CCA. We are Piano Ensemble, fondly known as RIPE, where like-minded music lovers don’t just gather to share the love of music. We also use the piano in a unique way by playing pieces as duos, trios or even quartets, with members spread across one or two pianos.  

Performing together is an electrifying experience, where individuals lose themselves in the labyrinths of music and rediscover the masterpieces of composers from Joseph Haydn to Joe Hisaishi, revelling in Ravel and brawling with Bach. 

RIPE offers a valuable platform for us to forge memories of collective music-making, reaching heights that one cannot scale alone (We hope you got that low-key joke. And on this note we will move onto our next section).

Movement I: What do we do? 

There are 3 types of sessions in RIPE, and these generally take place from 8am to 11am every Wednesday.

Firstly, coaching sessions, which take place on Wednesday mornings. Members of a practice group come together to be trained by our friendly coach Mr Shane Thio at LT2 (or one of the MEP practice rooms).

Secondly, practice sessions, which typically occur for an hour (or more) every week. These sessions will be held over Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays, depending on your practice group’s availability, at our cosy MEP practice rooms.

Lastly, bonding sessions—compulsory, mind you—or as we affectionately call them: RIPE Rhapsodies. They are held around every fortnight, where the entire CCA does fun activities together such as throwing mini-concerts, playing music-based games, or watching movies! 

Movement II: Some highlights!

Our 2023 RIPE journey kicked off with our CCA Orientation Camp in March, in which the Y5s were introduced to the CCA.

Pictured: RIPE Batches of ‘23 and ‘24 together during our March camp.

cresc. (crescendo, i.e. gradually getting louder) 

Some other highlights of RIPE’s journey in 2023 include our annual concert Soirée. Held in April at the Esplanade, our CCA members showcased the piano pieces that they had tirelessly prepared for the Rafflesian community and beyond. 

Besides this, we have many more exciting performance opportunities for our RIPE members. For example, every member of the CCA will have the chance to present the piece he or she has practised with their partner at the end of the term.

Soirée (2023). Other instruments (apart from the piano) are featured in our concerts too!

Lastly, putting music aside, we regularly go for CCA lunches after Wednesday sessions every week.

Our last combined CCA lunch with our seniors, a fitting farewell to an exhilarating journey

When the opportunity arises, we also hit the streets and have fun together through a plethora of activities, such as watching external concerts.

A CCA outing to a piano concert at the Esplanade Recital Studio in April! 

Movement III: Why should you join?

Why should you join us? In the busy mayhem of JC life (trust us, you’ll be far busier than expected), CCA may be seen as a rigid obligation to some. 

However, RIPE offers something most CCAs lack – flexibility. Generally, each member only has to attend 1 hour of practice and 30 minutes of coaching per week, and can pick from multiple available slots throughout the week to do so. So, if you have projects, meetings, consultations or more, don’t worry! You can always reschedule your weekly sessions to suit you and your partner(s)’ timings. 

RIPE is a pretty small CCA, with only 10 members in Batch ‘23/‘24. Thus, we are a bonded community of passionate musicians who are not afraid to express ourselves through our shared interests every week. 

After all, we only have so many pockets of free time each week. Being able to come together to play, practise and perform gives us a refreshing respite from the trials and tribulations of a gruelling JC experience. 

RIPE Batch ‘23/24

Do expect a welcoming family of friends that explore music-making together in RIPE, be it through composing, arranging, or simply performing! 

RIPE provides a safe space for all members to share niche works and novel ideas, experiment with different types of music (not just on the piano!) and see personal creations come to fruition, while growing our knowledge and love for music together. 

Movement IV: Conclusions

You only need 3 things to join RIPE—fermata (i.e. pause, or in some cases *dramatic pause for effect*)—basic piano skills, a fiery passion for music, and an open mind. If you think you have what it takes, do not hesitate to drop by for auditions! 

Remember, you do not need to have the showiest technical prowess to join RIPE—any experience in other aspects of music such as composing is also highly welcome. 

At the end of the day, we’re not aristocratic showmen—we’re a piano ensemble, dedicated to refining our craft and furthering our passion for music. But we’re also a tightly-knitted family, and never hesitant to support each other in and beyond music.

morendo (dying down)

Feel free to drop us a message on Instagram @ri_pianoensemble if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing you at auditions!  

Coda: Bonus pun 

What was Bach’s favourite vegetable? A Baroque-uli! (badum-tss)


(i.e. END)

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