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CCA Previews ’19: Ultimate Frisbee

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Raffles Ultimate

Walk past the amphitheater on any given day and you may find some of us indulging in our favourite past time: a scrim! We’re loud, and probably even rowdy. If you’re not one of us, it might seem as if we are engaging in an unfulfilling, meaningless activity that you have very little interest in. But that’s not the case; as individuals, we may not look like much, but as Ultimate players, we are so much more. We are a family of individuals driven by our passion for the sport to give it our best in every game we play. And most importantly, we always have one goal in mind: to succeed.

Unlike other sports, Ultimate is self-refereed, making it distinct and unique from other sports. It relies upon what is known as the Spirit of the Game, where every Ultimate player is trusted to uphold the values and responsibility of fair play and sportsmanship. Highly competitive play is encouraged. However, we should never, in the process, sacrifice the mutual respect between players, adherence to the agreed-upon rules of the game, or the basic joy of play. Ultimate cultivates players to truly embody the morals and integrity of a sport, instead of solely thinking of winning.

Training under harsh weather conditions, uneven muddy fields and waning staminas, Ultimate challenges us to surpass our limits and be the best version of ourselves, both physically and mentally. We strongly believe that no one should be left behind. No matter how long and tiring our trainings get, we will always remember to be there for one another. And no matter how many extra burpees or suicides we have to complete, we will conquer them together. This is the very belief that motivates us to do our best for each other, for we know and trust that there will always be 26 other people by our sides fighting for us, and with us.

This goes to show that Raffles Ultimate is more than just a sports team; we are a family. Our bond goes beyond the very 2 years we spend in RI, evident from the countless number of alumni who take the time out to come back and coach us, or support us at our Inter-JC competitions. Our love for the sport brings us together, but it is our sense of unity that keeps us coming back for more.

And this is the same spirit that empowers us to train and fight hard for the most important goal of Raffles Ultimate: the championship title at the annual Inter-JC competitions. In 2018, Raffles Ultimate claimed the championship title after emerging victorious from a series of hard-fought matches, and we plan to continue upholding this ongoing legacy for the many years to come.

This is what makes us special. At the end of the day, the outcome of the annual Inter JC Ultimate championships is decided by a mere 300 minutes. Yet beyond that, it boils down to the countless amount of time and effort spent together, going through triumphs and hardships as one. If you plan to join a sport only to keep fit or have fun, Raffles Ultimate may not be the place for you. One’s Raffles Ultimate journey will be filled with blood, sweat and tears; passion and utmost commitment for the sport is required to complete it. However, the sweet taste of victory, satisfaction and love at the end of the journey is always worth the tumultuous ride. And even if given another chance to choose a different CCA, Ultimate would still be our choice, again and again.

If you are up for the challenge, come join our Raffles Ultimate family!

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