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CCA Previews ’17: Raffles Economics and Current Affairs Society

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By RECAS ’17

Economics and Current Affairs Society? It sure sounds boring…

You might be wondering what kind of CCA we are, but before you pass your judgement, please hear us out.

RECAS isn’t like most clubs and societies. For one, it serves as a sort of ‘mug’ club for those of us who can’t find the time (or motivation!) to catch up on economic activities and current affairs that we so desperately need for Econs and GP, given that we cover world issues and interesting economic phenomena in every session.

Every week, members get into groups to share more about a topic, using various methods; from presentations, to interesting clips, to jeopardy-style quizzes and games. It will followed by a free-for-all discussion session where members can actively contribute!

If you have a fear of presenting in front of large crowds, fear not because RECAS is a close-knit community with strong camaraderie between its members. In fact, we personally think that one of the main selling point for RECAS is its modestly-sized community that ensures personal engagement and interaction for every member. We value the contribution of every member, and that means a safe learning environment for you to voice your opinions during discussions without fear of being shot down or disparaged!

Beyond being just a ‘mug’ club, RECAS also hopes to hone your passion for world affairs and help you develop an inquisitive mind, what with all the opinions and ideas being thrown about during discussion time. In this constantly evolving and highly competitive world, a grasp of the latest happenings around the globe is no doubt crucial for success. Here, new members can look forward to develop a habit for keeping track with current affairs. In the long run, members can amass a vast knowledge on the workings of the world, and formulate a better understanding of the many global problems and complexities.

If you have a keen interest for economics, we also cover some additional material from time to time that would definitely complement your understanding of the syllabus and give you a more comprehensive view of the issues at play. If you ever feel so inclined as to share with us any interesting tidbits, we too would gladly welcome that. In fact, that is what our excursions are about! From trips to museums to gallery walks, you can be sure to gain exposure to the different affairs of our tiny island and in the process form everlasting bonds with your CCA mates! (Don’t worry, it’ll be during the holidays!)

We also aim to nurture a keen interest in economics and current affairs amongst both RECAS members and the wider raffles population, through initiatives that are holistic, interesting and interactive. If you want to make an impact through raising awareness of current affairs among the school population and beyond, RECAS’ newsletter Under the Macroscope and its Facebook Page (of the same name) will provide you with endless opportunities to contribute articles regarding just about everything under the sun.

The weekly e-letter covers major topics for GP such as Science and Technology (you’ll be free to choose the topics and presentation format) amongst others as well as interesting economic happenings and their implications on us, the global citizen! For people interested in IT, you may also be keen to know that we are currently working on a website that would assist us in reaching out to even more people, and your input would be very much valued and appreciated! (Check it out at

But don’t think that RECAS is only limited to Raffles. We have taken part in various competitions, including the Economics Society of Singapore Essay Competition (2nd Prize), the NUS Chancellor’s Challenge Shield (Champion) , the NTU Current Affairs Competition (2nd and 3rd place) and the NUS National Economics and Finance Management Quiz. Being a member of RECAS provides you with the opportunity to represent the CCA (and the school) in many competitions, allowing you to further hone your passion for world affairs and develop an inquisitive mind, and meet like-minded peers from other schools as well!

Being a student-directed CCA, all of our sessions and activities are planned and executed by our own members and this would give you, should you join RECAS, the opportunity to develop and structure your own curriculum and the flexibility to freely explore what you are interested in.

Lastly, for the nitty-gritty details: CCA sessions are held weekly on Wednesdays starting from 2.15 pm until about 3.30 pm depending on how long the presentations and discussions are. New members can also expect a club camp, where they can take part in various interesting activities and games, and bond with their cca-mates.

On an unrelated note, you don’t actually have to take economics to join RECAS so long as you are interested in world happenings which you will be… at least for GP…

With that, we eagerly anticipate you joining us, and we hope to be able to spark off your love affair with current affairs (and of course, economics) here!

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